Monday, May 4, 2015

Making Ourselves

After a rough, rough night last week I stumbled across this on Pinterest (trying to get schoolwork done for a social media class...honestly).

It was just what I needed. I'm not so sure about the amount of work being the same but I was smacked upside the head with what amounts to a choice.

Trying to pull myself together doesn't mean I've forgotten Ryan or that I'm moving on. I can't forget him. It also doesn't mean that I will never have meltdowns or terrible weeks or weekends. It doesn't mean that I'm ready or looking for someone else. It means I'm trying to reinsert me back into my life.

Am I still waiting for him to walk through the door? Yes, honestly. Yes. Do I know that it's not possible? Yes, I do. But that doesn't stop me from looking or wishing right now. I can't change that anymore than I can change the color of my blood. I understand things like that will lessen in time. I'm not in a hurry.

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